December 27, 2023
We started Salesled.io in April 2022. We started to build our tech from the get-go, but early on most of our business was consulting around B2B sales.
The goal was to build software that would revolutionize the way B2B sales are done, but we wanted to fund the software development by helping businesses in B2B sales.
After over 1,5 years and over 100 customers, we are happy to say that we are ready to move to the next stage of our journey.
We are rebranding from Salesled.io to Clevenio and simultaneously focusing all our efforts on our software as a service business.
While we have helped over 100 customers via our services or combination of our services and software we have simultaneously built the capabilities to automate most of the services we provide.
We will still continue offering our services to our existing clients and on special occasions, but we are focusing most of our efforts on our Sales platform Clevenio. You can read more about Clevenio here!